Trevor Lam

Trevor Lam
Trevor Lam in Block D IT 12

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


The Maze :

Stop the bat :
 press A & D to turn
press up,down,left,right arrow to move

Quiz Game:
Answer the Question
I'm the one who do the first test

Paddle and Brick Game:
left arrow to go left , right arrow to go right
each brick worth a score

Platform game:
left arrow to go left , right arrow to go right
up arrow to go up

Monday, November 16, 2015


 Day 1

My first impression of Planet Base
My first impression of this game is being a commander in a future survival game, The game background is at a new plant for colony, everything is depends on your strategy. 

This game is about a Space Colony survival , you have to make those consists survive. And you need to build stuff to stay those consists alive. the goals is survive at the planet as long as you can .

if your consists  all die , you'll lose the game . you have to keep them alive , but those consists needs water , food , air or sleep . once they loss one of those requirement, he'll die immediatelly

at first , you'll have 7 consists include (3 workers , 2 biologists, 1 engineers , 1 medic and 2 bots)

Day 2

first , you have build a oxygen generator , that's a important build . because you'll need oxygen for every build.

Then , you need a solar panel for the power of the build . Oxygen generator needs the power to keep it working , so you have to have the solar panel.

after , you need a airlock to make the oxygen stay in the build, if not , The Oxygen won't be working , because the build couldn't keep the oxygen .

you have to build the oxygen at first , otherwise your will consists die so quickly . try to make the oxygen work as soon as you can , so that your consists gets the oxygen first.

The different between tutorial and playing on your own is you'll make mistake , watching people play looks so easy , but when you actually playing a game , you'll make a lot of mistake 

Day 3

i've been playing the game , i made a couple mistake. at the begin, i didn't grow food fast enough , so all were my were consists from hungry. And i didn't have enough power to keep the oxygen going, they also died from no oxygen.

that one game i've run out of resources , then i cant build more thing . also my consists needed food , but i didn't have bio-Dome . so my consists just died from hunger .
that's mean i need to trade resources with the trading ship

Monday, October 26, 2015

Minecraft - a 4 day project

Tie Fighter - Day 1

Boba Fett Hemlet - Day 2

Walker - Day 3

Sail Barge - Day 4